
Yukhym, 22 Jahre, Verchowyna (Ukraine)

Aus der Ukraine und besonders von Peers unserer Partnerorganisation ‚Carpathian Flowers‘ erreichen uns jeden Tag Texte und Videos in denen die Jugendlichen uns ihre persönliche Sicht auf die Dinge, ihre Gefühle und ihre Lebenssituation darstellen. Es ist ihnen in dieser Situation wichtig, in Kontakt mit der Welt zu bleiben und wir möchten hier dafür eine Plattform bieten, auch mit Beiträgen aus Deutschland und unseren anderen Partnerländern.

Bitte beachtet, dass die Beiträge ausschließlich persönliche Kommentare sind und weder dazu gedacht sind, Informationen zu verbreiten noch bestimmte Aufrufe zu unterstützen. Wir öffnen hier ein Fenster auf die Sicht der Jugendlichen in der Ukraine, die sich über Nacht in einem Krieg wieder gefunden haben, über das wir uns in dieser schwierigen Situation miteinander verbinden können.

Hello, my name is Yukhym. I am 22 years old. I live in small town called Verkhovyna in west part of Ukraine, I would like to start from some short historical chronology of events, just to show more details to you. 8 years ago we had a „revolution of dignity“, you can google it to know why and what exactly happened there. Russia took advantage of our weakness and occupied our Crimiean peninsula. After that they decided to occupy our 2 east regions Luhansnk and Donetsk, so we fighting for it during last 8 years, a lot of people already died there. So, let’s go back to the present, today is eighth day since russian army suddenly invaded our country. All big cities in east, north south and central part of Ukraine and our capital Kyiv bombing by russian artillery and warplanes, fight going in the sky and on the land, at day and night, hundreds innocent people are dying, millions of people hungry and freeze hiding in save places like a subway station. It’s so hard to describe all our feelings now. First of all you can’t believe that it is happening right now, after you are scared, confused, upset, whatever, but at one moment you are starting to see how all of our people is so brave everyone helping as much as they can. And you are inspired of that, you can’t stay on side anymore. As I live in the West part of Ukraine the war didn’t touch us directly, we don’t have fights here, but we can feel it. Here we are volunteering, helping refugees with all they need, sending food, medicines, warm clothes, different ammunition to the places where fights going, donating money to support our army. Taking part in Cyber-war against russian fake news, and so on. Now I want to say a big thank you for all of you who supporting Ukrainians, we feel it.
Слава Україні!
Glory to Ukraine!